Some updates:
SLEEP - I think I've taken this for granted, thinking that all kids go to sleep as easily as Gwen does, but I don't think that's the case anymore. When she was 6 months old, we made [what I believe to be] a life altering decision to let her "cry it out". After that, 99.9% of the time we put her to bed, she falls immediately to sleep, and sleeps 12 hours on average. That has not changed for the past 1.5 yrs, and I have all of my fingers and toes crossed that it will remain the same when the new baby comes. She's also an awesome napper, and for the most part naps 3-4 hrs a day. As amazing as that was, I knew it couldn't last, and it's starting to fizzle out these days - I'm lucky to get a 2-3 hr nap. I have to say, it was terrible timing as it coincided with the first trimester of my pregnancy - when all I wanted to do was sleep! :)
EATING - Gwen's pediatrician warned me at her 18 month visit that she was going to become more picky. And she has, but I still think that she's more adventurous with her taste than a lot of other toddlers. We haven't given into making separate meals for her, and if she doesn't want to eat during a particular meal, she doesn't have to - we'll give her a couple of chances but we never force her. Her Dr reassured me that she'll get what she needs over a period of a week or so, for some meals she'll eat a whole bunch, and others she doesn't have to eat hardly anything at all and that is perfectly fine.
2 year stats:
Weight: 26 lbs 4 oz - 45%
Height: 33.2 in - 34%
Head Size: 18.5 in - 36%
For comparison, below are her 12 month and Newborn stats:
12 month visit:
Weight: 19lbs 6oz - 22%
Height: 30.5in - 89%
Head Circ: 17in - 7%
Newborn stats:
Weight: 7lbs 3oz - 39%
Height: 20in - 72%
I don't have her newborn head circumference measurement.
I always tell people she's the official greeter when we're out, saying [yelling] "hi, hello!!!" to anyone within hearing distance. Passing shoppers in stores, waiting at check out lines, turning to talk to anyone who will listen while we're eating out. This is when she's the happiest - if she's eating something yummy, she's all "HI's" and smiles and waves. After a while we just have to tell people to ignore her because once she gets their attention, she's pretty persistent about keeping the relationship going throughout the duration of the meal.
She is ALL girl. Still obsessed with dolls and babies, trying on jewelry and asking for the mirror to see how beautiful she looks all dolled up. But we may be taking it to a new level now. She got a pocket book for her birthday, complete with cell phone, keys, wallet, credit card, sunglasses, and.....a lipstick and compact. So she takes out the lipstick, opens her compact and pretends to apply the lipstick while looking in the mirror. For a visual, I have attached a video. Is that not the most adorable thing you've ever seen?
Happy Happy Birthday to my beautiful little lady!
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Birth Day |
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1 Year Old |
2 Years Old |
Oh my gosh! Love this! I was cracking up reading how you have to tell people to ignore her because she'll want to "keep the relationship going." In the grocery store Nicholas stares people down until they acknowledge him, I'll tell them "please just wave and then he'll leave you alone" and he usually does :) Happy Birthday Gwen!