Sunday, December 4, 2011

First steps!!

We were hanging around the house yesterday, getting ready to run some errands before a holiday party.  I decided that we should have some lunch before we head out, so I fed Gwen and heated up some of the previous night's dinner for Justin and me.  Gwen was playing in the dining room, cruising around the table and chairs, so I sat down on the floor with my plate.  I wasn't paying too much attention to her while I was eating... All of a sudden, she turned to look at me, let go of the chair and took 4 solid steps before she grabbed onto me!!!  I started yelling for Justin to come downstairs and Gwen just got so excited and looked so pleased with herself :) 
My parents babysat last night so they were able to hang out today and help Gwen practice her walking skills :)  Here's a video of her walking to Grammy!


  1. WALKING?!? Time is flying...She looks so proud and cute in this video! xo

  2. Thanks Brooke! Time is flying is right!! :)


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