Friday, August 19, 2011

Big Girl Stuff

Last week, we went out to eat, and normally we'd simply pull the stroller up to the table but she's gotten to the point where she needs to be entertained, so the stroller wasn't cutting it because she sat so low in it.   We decided to try out the restaurant high chair instead (which was probably slightly overdue), and it was a HUGE success.  She loved being up at our level.

Yesterday we headed to the grocery store.  Usually if I have big shopping to do, I'll wear her in the Baby Bjorn while pushing the cart around.  If it's just a quick trip, we'll use our Uppababy Vista, with it's lovely, ginormous basket.  Today I decided to put her in the cart and she was loving every second of being pushed around in it.  Her arms were out the whole time and she kept twisting her body all around to check out her surroundings.

Gwen has tried out the infant swing before, but today was her first time without an insert to keep her upright.  As soon as I put her in it, she put her hands down in front of her and flopped forward (I probably shouldn't laugh at these things, right?).  So I made a little adjustment, and she was able to stay upright.  Not too sure how she felt about it...I'm thinking she may have inherited her daddy's aversion to rides...

I'm so proud of my big girl :)


  1. I'm laughing over you laughing at her flopping forward! It makes me think of the story you told when Jackson was a puppy and he tumbled down the stairs. He was ok and I'm sure Gwen was ok, so I'd definitely laugh too! :) Love your photos as always!

  2. Better hide these posts from Gwen when she gets older so she doesn't know you laughed at her head flopping event. hehe. She's growing so quick!


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