That's right, Gwen is going to be a big sister!
I hit the 12 week mark in the beginning of December, so what better way to announce it, than with our Christmas Cards?! I'm due June 20th, so Gwen and the new baby will be just a few weeks shy of 2.5 years apart, which I think will be a good age difference. It's so much fun to fantasize about what Gwen will be like as a big sister. She adores her little cousin, and is obsessed with baby dolls and roll playing with them (feeding them, changing their diapers, holding and rocking them). Once the baby comes, I have no doubt that Gwen will be the best and most helpful big sister!
As excited as we are, baby growing is serious business.
I have to say that I almost forgot how miserable the first trimester is. My morning sickness hasn't been as bad as it was with Gwen. I really only get nauseas when I think about certain foods - tomato sauce for one...or if I let myself get too hungry. But once I started eating, for the most part it makes me feel better (I've been carrying around almonds and string cheese just about every time I leave the house). But the exhaustion....oh my god. I remember being tired with Gwen- I would go into the group fitness studio at work during slow times and lie down on the mats, and every day after work I would pass out on the couch. But now, chasing a toddler around, it is a million times worse! Some days I just feel like a zombie going through the motions. Thank god Gwen is a good little napper (with the exception of about 2 weeks where she pretty much refused to nap, or only teased me with an hour or so, compared to her typical 3-4 hour naps!). Thankfully I'm starting to get some energy back now.
Anyway, it's all worth it right? Now, having Gwen, I can say that I would go through the blasted 1st trimester a million times over for her. Here are a couple of shots of our new little love:
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9 weeks 4 days |
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12 weeks 4 days |
Hmmm....girl or boy? We shall find out in late January, people!!!! :)