
Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday, Gwyneth Rose!


We made it!
In my best attempt to avoid gushing all over the place, I can honestly say that the past year has been the best of my life.  The most fun, fulfilling, satisfying, exciting year!  A year ago today, my hours-old daughter looked into my eyes as I felt a change come over my body.  My heart swelled and the feeling that this little one is a part of Justin and me, totally dependent on us, completely overwhelmed me.  I felt what it's like to LOVE someone more than life itself.  Besides complete physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion, I was, and am nothing but one-hundred percent happy and excited to be able to experience this world through her eyes.

We've come a long way in a year!  When Justin and I decided that I would stay home with Gwen, I was thrilled - it's what I've always wanted.  Still, I have to admit that a small part of me questioned how I would handle it.  I've heard that it can make you stir crazy - it's all baby all the time, with little adult interaction.  Perhaps this is why I set out during my pregnancy to find some things to do once she arrived!  I joined a couple of mom groups on, found out about mommy and me exercise classes, library events, etc.  Today, I could not be happier with our decision - I seriously have to pinch myself sometimes.  Justin works harder than anyone I know, and I'm so thankful to him for it.

Some stats from her 12 month visit:
Weight: 19lbs 6oz - 22%
Height: 30.5in - 89%
Head Circ: 17in - 7%

For comparison, here are her Newborn stats:
Weight: 7lbs 3oz - 39%
Height: 20in - 72%
I don't have her newborn head circumference measurement.

Gwen's pediatrician told us that no food is off limit now!  YAY :)  She's been doing SO awesome with her eating.  We pretty much have been feeding her everything that we eat (with the exception of nuts, shellfish, and honey - which the Dr says are now all fair game).  I have to say that we have been so lucky ::hoping not to jinx myself:: with Gwen eating and liking just about everything that we give her - as long as we follow a certain order, that is!  Here's how it goes: vegetables first, meats next, carbs and dairy last.  Start her out with cheese, and that's all she's going to want!

Nursing:  We're still going strong, nursing 4-5 times a day.  I'm still doing a middle of the night feed around 4am or so - which I may cut out.  Last night, I tested it, and after fussing/crying for a little while she eventually went back to sleep.  We'll see how it goes tonight.  There have been a few days lately where I've gone 6 or 7 hours without nursing her and she seems to do just fine.  I'm going to start giving her some whole cow's milk with meals and more water throughout the day, but I'll continue to nurse at least a few times a day until...well who knows when!

Sleep:  The girl is a rock star!  (well, with the exception of her middle of the night feeding)  She goes down around 7:30-8pm with ease.  Around 6 months (I think?) we let her cry it out, and it was the best decision we ever made.  It took about 2 nights for her to learn to soothe herself to sleep, and ever since then, she has gone to sleep within minutes of me putting her down.  She's normally up for the day around 8am now, but I know that will change once I cut out her 4am feeding (a little nervous about this heh).  We have also been very lucky in terms of naps - she always has a 2-3 hour mid-late morning nap, and sometimes a shorter afternoon nap.  If we're out during nap time, she'll just take her nap later on when we're home.  I'm so thankful for my quiet time during the day.  Otherwise, among other things, this blog may not have happened!

Let's see, what else -
She's becoming more confident with her walking, turning corners, etc.  She still looks like Frankenstein, and requires a destination (mom or dad, chair, table, etc), but she's been doing a great job with it!  She's been so cuddly lately; hugging, kissing, resting her head on us.  She's SO excited to see Justin when he comes home that it just makes both of our days.  She still LOVES playing peek-a-boo - she started hiding behind me and then peeking out to the side and giggling until I turn my head, and say boo, which just sends her into a fit of giggles!  Her birthday party was yesterday and she started clapping! Like, non-stop.  To the point where I put her down to sleep last night and she was still clapping (literally).

Gwen's Horoscope
I wrote about this back in May, but thought I would re-visit to see if she still fits the Capricorn Baby personality:
"Your little Capricorn will have a quiet, meditative nature ruled by reason instead of impulse and may seem older than his or her years at times. These children are thrifty, reserved, diplomatic, deep thinking, and determined. They are cautious in what they do and say. They know what they want and they usually get it by methodically planning every detail ahead of time-they like to take their time with things, learning lessons well along the way.
Capricorn children are receptive to down-to-earth activities. They feel a deep sense of responsibility and love being praised for a job well done. Parents should take time with their Capricorn child to show them the joy of touch and sharing comfort. Though typically practical and serious, the Capricorn often has a well-developed sense of wit and humor and is also known for being reliable."
Like I said in my last post, I'm really not a "horoscope follower", but it blows my mind how dead on it seems with her quiet, cautious, reserved, but determined nature.

Her Winter 'One'derland birthday party was yesterday - a party post to follow!!  Here is a sneak preview of the party:


  1. You have such a way with words! Once you get your blog into a book this will be an amazing read for Gwen later on in life! It makes me happy to read what an amazing year you've had and how happy you, Justin, and Gwen are together! xoxo

  2. Aww thanks Megs, it really has been the best year! I plan on printing out the first year including the birthday posts so I'll let you know how it turns out!

  3. This is so wonderful! I think my favorite comment of yours is how she "still looks like Frankenstein" when she walks. :)
